Since 2009, EcoEngineers has guided the growth of the biogas and renewable natural gas (RNG) sector, assisting many organizations to understand and navigate RNG projects from concept to commissioning and operations, resulting in more than $2 billion dollars invested in successful clean energy initiatives.
Biogas and RNG are energy-rich byproducts of municipal and industrial waste management practices. They are biogenic sources of carbon. The use of this energy in place of fossil gas or diesel has resulted in millions of tons of fossil carbon dioxide emissions being avoided, and it has created a circular economy that rewards extracting energy from waste.
Eco assists biogas and RNG projects in navigating regulatory complexities, carbon measurements, and reporting and validations – and we are creating new markets for biogas and RNG as well.
Our Services Include:
- Education on Markets, Projects, and Regulations
- ESG Advisory Services
- Life-Cycle Analysis
- Carbon Markets Advisory Services
- Independent 3rd Party Verification and Validation
- Compliance Management
- Regulatory Engagement
- Investment Due Diligence
- GHG Inventory and Accounting
Our Asset Development team has worked with scores of emerging and established technologies to accurately measure and report the emissions reductions they achieve. As the biogas and RNG market expands, it’s pushing the boundaries of the compliance markets that initially fueled its growth. Corporate buyers are voluntarily purchasing energy from biogas and RNG to offset their Scope 1 and 2 emissions. Eco is developing Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) methodologies to make it easier for biogas and RNG projects to quantify and sell offsets in voluntary carbon markets.
With a highly qualified and well-respected LCA modeling team, Eco has provided carbon intensity (CI) scores for hundreds of RNG projects at all stages of development. We have modeled every variety of biogas and RNG projects, including landfills, dairy, and swine manure projects, and other, to meet the requirements of a wide range of programs, including the California, Oregon, Canadian, and European low-carbon fuel programs, and several voluntary carbon registries.

For more information about our renewable natural gas services, contact: Dave Lindenmuth, Managing Director, RNG |