
Your partner for better business and a healthy planet.

We have helped hundreds of organizations take action — measuring carbon footprints, identifying investments to help achieve sustainability targets, managing data for accurate reporting to stakeholders, and engaging with regulators. Our ready-made team of experts includes scientists, engineers, market analysts, and industry leaders who seamlessly complement your team’s expertise across all industries and project types.

upright view of a large glass building and blue sky upright view of a large glass building and blue sky
stairs along a blue and orange building aerial view of a rocky beach
  • 1000
    Carbon scores completed by our Life-Cycle Analysis team
  • 1B
    Gallons of biofuel capacity managed by our Compliance team
  • $4B
    In investments managed through our Asset Development team
  • 160
    Policy advocacy projects led by our Regulatory Engagement team

Life-Cycle Analysis

The first step toward reduction and monetization is measurement.

Clean energy regulations, investment opportunities in voluntary carbon markets, and incentive programs such as the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) all have product Life-Cycle Analysis (LCA) as their foundation. LCA is the praxis and application of carbon accounting. Eco is a leader in performing LCAs, using a systematic and comprehensive method for evaluating the environmental impact of your products, services, or systems from inception to end-of-life. We help you assess the environmental aspects and impacts throughout the entire life cycle of a product, including the extraction of raw materials, production, transportation, use, and disposal. Find out how we can guide you.

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aerial view of highway bridges overlapping
aerial view of green forest, road and sea

LCA expertise.

Eco’s team of industry-renowned scientists, led by Dr. Zhichao Wang, has performed more than 500 carbon LCAs since 2015, on a variety of products including grains, oils, fuels, plastics, farm products, supplements, lubricants, metals, and more. Our team is fully adept at utilizing all available LCA tools such as the Argonne GREET (Greenhouse gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy use in Technologies) model and its derivative CA-GREET, GHGenius, SimaPro, and OpenLCA. We have expertise across global regulations, and advocate for establishing an international LCA standard and database for the greater good.

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EcoEngineers is Golf Digest’s Partner in Sustainability

Compliance Management

Comprehensive support, training, and management.

Clean energy regulations are complicated, and the penalties are high for non-compliance or misreporting. Our team is trained in carbon accounting frameworks and reporting structures unique to the regulatory compliance requirements of most major clean fuels and climate regulations across North America and Europe. We offer comprehensive compliance support, compliance management, and training programs that ensure strong data control and quality for reporting purposes — the assurance you need to protect your investment in a clean energy project.

For non-regulated green claims or to report progress in addressing a climate-related risk to a business, our compliance team can identify material data sources that will pivot the results behind green claims and help you put in place protocols to monitor and report those results. A strong evidence-based data collection and reporting structure and staff trained in carbon accounting is the protection needed to prevent greenwashing claims. We’ll help protect your interests by keeping you compliant.

abstract close-up view of bridge details Water on a window
abstract black string pattern over blue background ground view of bridge in black and white

Asset Development

Stepping into the future.

A typical clean energy project development life cycle is a complex process that requires a wide array of knowledge of technologies, markets, risk, implementation, construction, startup, and optimization. This is where Eco can help. We have supported more than 200 asset development engagements and $4 billion of investments for projects across decarbonization projects and technologies.

We bring expertise in:

  • Global climate regulations
  • Emerging incentive programs
  • New technologies
  • Evolving carbon markets
  • Data standards
  • Energy credit markets
  • Commodity markets
  • Feedstocks
  • Carbon accounting rules

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Our technical knowledge, industry connections, and market intelligence help you:

  • Identify investment opportunities
  • Conduct project feasibility and market studies
  • Assess risk and propose risk mitigation strategies
  • Perform techno-economic analysis
  • Assess project partners
  • Secure financing
  • Perform project due diligence
  • Attain feedstock and offtake agreements
  • Apply for incentive programs
  • Oversee construction and commissioning

We are a third-party consultant and do not take equity or a percentage of credits.

aerial view of streets lit up at night
columns of a building

Regulatory Engagement

Support for your strategic projects.

Policy is a product of stakeholder input, and it’s important to have your voice heard. With the myriad of policies striving to reduce emissions, keeping up with regulations across the globe is necessary to understand risks and opportunities hidden in the emerging energy landscape.

Our Regulatory Engagement team conducts research and maintains a working relationship with fuel and climate regulators worldwide. Our team stays current on key local, state, national, and international legislative, regulatory, and policy developments to help guide your regulatory strategy, to advise you of emerging risks, and to assist you in determining your business or project’s viability under new and overlapping regulatory regimes.

The carbon marketplace is a rapidly evolving sector and actively engaging with emerging regulations and policy interpretations is vital when the investment is high, and the outcomes are unclear.

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