
Unmatched expertise, independence, and integrity.

Our team understands the importance of protecting your clean energy assets with accurate, data-driven measurement and independent confirmation. Eco is one of a small group of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Accreditation Board (ANAB)-accredited Validation and Verification Bodies (VVBs) that identify risks, review methods of data collection and reporting, and evaluate the robustness of data management systems in place to ensure independent and transparent greenhouse gas (GHG) reporting.

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  • 600
    RFS registrations, addendums, or three-year updates completed
  • 4B
    RINs verified by our QAP audits to date
  • 24
    Lead Verifiers in the LCFS program
  • 1,500
    QAP audits for carbon claims completed
  • 400
    Verifications and validations completed

Your Trusted Guide

Few companies have been involved as intimately in as many greenhouse gas (GHG) project types as EcoEngineers. We have expertise across the majority of GHG project sectors and are recognized authorities in confirming claims. Our cross-sectoral knowledge derives from the diversity of backgrounds we employ, including geophysicists, chemical engineers, environmental scientists, auditors, and thought leaders across voluntary and compliance carbon markets.

EcoAuditing services provide the independence and scientific rigor to deliver integrity and accuracy for carbon declarations. Our audit plans are delivered by experienced, knowledgeable professionals who are accredited to perform science-based measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) to account for every molecule of clean carbon used as fuel and for use in projects that claim tax credits or low-carbon fuel credits in compliance markets. EcoAuditing is also a leading provider of verification and validation services to organizations within both voluntary carbon markets and direct bilateral commercial arrangements.

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Our Accreditation

EcoEngineers is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Accreditation Board (ANAB) as a greenhouse gas (GHG) verification body in accordance with ISO standards ISO/IEC 17029:2019, ISO 14065:2020, and ISO 14064-3:2019. The specific scope accreditation granted is verification of assertions related to:

  • GHG emission reductions and removals at the project level activities under ANAB Group 01 – GHG emission reductions from fuel combustion.
  • Verification of assertions related to GHG emission reductions and removals at the project level Group 03 – Land Use and Forestry.
  • Verification of applications and reports under the Canadian Clean Fuel Regulations, Sector 2 – Renewable/Bio/Low-CI Fuels.
  • Verification of applications and reports under the Canadian Clean Fuel Regulation Sector 4 – Green Hydrogen.

Expanded Services

Our accreditation by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) National Accreditation Board (ANAB) enables Eco to expand our auditing and verification services beyond the U.S. Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and state-driven Low-Carbon Fuel Standards (LCFS).

We are currently accredited to perform verification of applications and reports under Canada's Clean Fuel Regulations (CFR) for multiple sectors, bolstering Eco’s ability to support U.S.-based clients expanding into Canada. In the voluntary carbon markets (VCM), our accreditation allows us to actively work on verification projects from work at registries such as, Isometric, and others such as XPRIZE.

As an accredited GHG verification body, Eco is seeking to perform verification services under The Climate Registry (TCR), Climate Action Reserve (CAR), Verra’s Verified Carbon Standard, and Gold Standard registries. In parallel, Eco is pursuing additional accreditations such as becoming a certification body under international voluntary and regulatory compliance schemes.

Voluntary Carbon Market Verification

Eco brings together a group of global experts in the carbon project development cycle across dozens of scientific pathways. We specialize in carbon accounting; monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV); and auditing. Our strong relationships with key stakeholders across the industry, including regulators, standards bodies, registries, buyers, investors, and technology providers, help you succeed in this market.

Carbon dioxide removals (CDR) plays an important role in action against climate change, and Eco has drafted some of the most cutting-edge crediting methodologies in this arena. We provide verficiation services for novel and innovative CDR technologies to provide both investors and buyers with assurance that the carbon removal technology or activity will work, and that the outcome removal can be verified independently and against best practice or international standards.

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Low Carbon Fuel Standards Validation/Verification

We are an accredited verification body under California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) and Oregon’s Clean Fuels Programs (CFP), which are implemented by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). We offer verification of annual fuel pathway reports for LCFS and CFP reporting entities and validations of fuel pathway applications for LCFS fuel pathway holders. Our validation/verification services are performed by qualified and trained verifiers that meet specifications for education and experience. We help manage the mandatory requirements required for reporting entities and fuel pathway holders producing and/or exporting transportation fuel into California and Oregon markets and generating carbon credits, and ensure your data is accurate, complete, and in compliance with these requirements.

Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Services

EcoEngineers brought to market one of the first Quality Assurance Programs (QAP) for Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) and compliance data under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). We continue to be an industry leader as an accredited verification body with more than 1,500 QAP audits completed and more than 4 billion RINs verified.

Our QAP audit process conforms with RFS regulations, and is offered to verify the Q-RINs (QAP-approved Renewable Identification Numbers) generated by the renewable fuel producers and review compliance with the RFS regulations. The value of active participation in our QAP is demonstrated through the assignment of a Q-RIN designation that we authorize. A Q-RIN signifies the integrity of those RINs to the producer’s downstream partners and provides them with the assurance they seek. The RFS QAP helps to ensure that the data used to demonstrate compliance with the RFS is accurate and reliable and helps to maintain the integrity of the program.

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RFS Third-Party Engineering Reviews

We perform independent third-party engineering reviews to assess the technical viability of a renewable fuel production facility and its production processes. The RFS Third-Party Engineering Review is performed as part of the compliance verification process for the RFS program. We provide three different types of Third-Party Engineering Reviews:

  • New Facility Registration – the initial registration for a facility.
  • Three-Year Update – required by the USEPA, facilities must update their registration information every three years after registration.
  • Addendums – After initial registration and before Three-Year Updates, any change to the facility that updates the facility registration, an addendum needs to be completed and submitted to the USEPA.

Emerging Verification Services

We offer verification services to renewable natural gas (RNG) generators for renewable thermal certificate (RTC) associated with the RNG production injected into the commercial pipeline and are transacted on the Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System (M-RETS®), a registry platform that tracks voluntary RNG in the U.S. As the independent reporting entity, EcoAuditng reviews supporting documentation that demonstrates biomethane was produced at the facility and verifies RNG volume injected into the commercial pipeline.

EcoAuditing also helps develop audit protocols and provide custom audit services leveraging our ISO 14064-3 accreditation.

Mandatory GHG Reporting Regulation (MRR) Verification

Eco is an accredited verification body under CARB’s Mandatory Greenhouse Gas MRR program and offers verification of annual emissions report and California GHG reporting tool for reporting entities. Verification statement from the verification body is due annually to CARB by August 10 for the previous reporting year.

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